NZ Terms of Trade, Q3 2014

The terms of trade fell by 4.4% in the September quarter, in line with market...

01 Dec 2014 Economic data and RBNZ

New lease of life

The New Zealand economy is carrying a substantial degree of momentum into...

01 Dec 2014 Weekly Commentary

Waiting it out

With the economy continuing to grow at a solid pace, the RBNZ will still be thinking...

24 Nov 2014 Weekly Commentary

Fortnightly Agri Update

This week Australia and China completed the negotiations for a bilateral free trade...

19 Nov 2014 Agri

NZ retail sales, Q3 2014

Real retail sales rose 1.5% in the September quarter, the biggest increase in over...

17 Nov 2014 Economic data and RBNZ

Keeping the pressure on

The latest Financial Stability Report reveals that the Reserve Bank is far from...

17 Nov 2014 Weekly Commentary

Home Truths

Earlier in the year the Reserve Bank said it would review its restrictions on high...

17 Nov 2014 Housing

NZ Local Knowledge

The Local Knowledge indicators clearly show that the economy has regained its...

12 Nov 2014 Economic data and RBNZ

Escaping the bind

Last week we released our latest quarterly Economic Overview. As always, it’s...

10 Nov 2014 Weekly Commentary

NZ Labour market review, Q3 2014

The unemployment rate fell from 5.6% to 5.4% in the September quarter, its lowest...

05 Nov 2014 Economic data and RBNZ

Fortnightly Agri Update

Many years ago we looked at the issue of whether a free-floating New Zealand dollar...

05 Nov 2014 Agri

Economic Overview: The Great Houdini

Like some kind of Houdini, New Zealand appears to have escaped from the...

04 Nov 2014 Economic Overview