Clouds on the horizon?

A significant concern for the economic outlook is whether the strength in...

29 Jun 2015 Weekly Commentary

Westpac McDermott Miller Employment Confidence

New Zealanders have become less confident about the health of the labour market...

29 Jun 2015 Confidence surveys

Westpac McDermott Miller Regional Economic Confidence

Consumers’ economic confidence fell in the June quarter to its lowest level in more...

25 Jun 2015 Confidence surveys

Cuts to come

A surprisingly weak GDP outturn has strengthened the Reserve Bank’s case for...

22 Jun 2015 Weekly Commentary

Westpac McDermott Miller Consumer Confidence

Consumer confidence fell to 113.0 in the June quarter. This is the lowest level since...

22 Jun 2015 Confidence surveys

NZ GDP review, Q1 2015

GDP grew by just 0.2% in the March 2015 quarter, well short of expectations...

18 Jun 2015 Economic data and RBNZ

NZ current account review, Q1 2015

The current account deficit widened to 3.6% of GDP in the year to March 2015...

17 Jun 2015 Economic data and RBNZ

Fortnightly Agri Update

Last week’s unexpected OCR cut has thrust dairying even further into the economic...

17 Jun 2015 Agri

An udder surprise

The Reserve Bank has honed in on the woes of the dairy sector, judging that they pose...

15 Jun 2015 Weekly Commentary

Home Truths

Housing data from the month of May suggested that Auckland house price...

12 Jun 2015 Housing

RBNZ MPS, June 2015

The Reserve Bank surprised the market by cutting the Official Cash Rate by...

11 Jun 2015 Economic data and RBNZ

NZ GDP and Current Account preview, Q1 2015

We estimate that GDP rose by 0.6% in the March quarter, a slower pace than...

10 Jun 2015 Economic data and RBNZ