Outlook for Auckland residential construction

Auckland continues to build fewer dwellings than is required to meet the demands...

17 Aug 2015 Research papers

NZ retail sales, June quarter 2015

Retail spending growth slowed sharply in the June quarter, dampened by the rebound in...

14 Aug 2015 Economic data and RBNZ

Home Truths

This month Home Truths marvels at the way New Zealand’s housing market has...

14 Aug 2015 Housing

Economic Overview: The tide has turned

In our last Economic Overview we argued that the outlook had changed...

11 Aug 2015 Economic Overview

Losing altitude

Developments over the past week have added to signs that momentum in the...

10 Aug 2015 Weekly Commentary

NZ labour market review June quarter 2015

June quarter labour market data have added to signs that the economy has lost...

05 Aug 2015 Economic data and RBNZ

Fortnightly Agri Update

Dairy prices took another pounding in last night’s GlobalDairyTrade auction...

05 Aug 2015 Agri

NZ Local Knowledge

The June indicators provide further evidence that the domestic economy is softening...

04 Aug 2015 Economic data and RBNZ

Comfortably low

Last week Reserve Bank Governor Graeme Wheeler delivered a speech titled...

03 Aug 2015 Weekly Commentary

Forewarned is forearmed

The Canterbury rebuild has peaked. Demand for construction workers in Canterbury...

03 Aug 2015 Research papers

NZ Labour Market Preview, June 2015

We expect the unemployment rate to rise to 5.9% in June as demand for workers...

31 Jul 2015 Economic data and RBNZ

A turn for the worse

Last week the Reserve Bank reduced the OCR a quarter of a percentage point to...

27 Jul 2015 Weekly Commentary