New Zealand Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update 2018

New Zealand’s fiscal position remains healthy, with large surpluses forecast...

13 Dec 2018 Economic data and RBNZ

London calling

The UK’s decision to exit the European Union will have wide reaching implications...

13 Dec 2018 Research papers

NZ Q3 GDP and BoP preview – Payback

We’re expecting a 0.5% rise in September quarter GDP, as some of the factors that...

12 Dec 2018 Economic data and RBNZ

A changing leaderboard

Our latest Regional Roundup was released last week. It details why we think activity...

10 Dec 2018 Weekly Commentary

Regional Roundup

The pecking order among regions is starting to change. The lower part of each...

06 Dec 2018 Regional Roundup

Fortnightly Agri Update

Whether it’s surprise at discovering dairy farms in the McKenzie Basin, amazement...

05 Dec 2018 Agri

Easy does it

The Reserve Bank has announced a further easing of its mortgage lending restrictions...

03 Dec 2018 Weekly Commentary

Stranger things

We now expect that the Reserve Bank will keep the Official Cash Rate on hold until...

26 Nov 2018 Weekly Commentary

Fortnightly Agri Update

Many of the headlines looking at the global trade outlook in recent times have focused...

21 Nov 2018 Agri

Economic Overview: Different strokes

New Zealand’s economy at present really is a case of different strokes for different folks...

20 Nov 2018 Economic Overview

Here we go

Falling mortgage rates have grabbed headlines recently with some fixed-term...

19 Nov 2018 Weekly Commentary

Home Truths

Back in August Home Truths predicted a short, sharp lift in the housing market...

14 Nov 2018 Housing