Better to do it right first time

In many of the world’s hotspots, the number of daily new cases of Covid-19…

14 Apr 2020 Weekly Commentary

What Covid-19 means for New Zealand’s tourism sector

The impact of Covid-19 on New Zealand’s tourism sector will dwarf anything that...

08 Apr 2020 Economic data and RBNZ

NZ Dairy Update

We have revised down our farmgate milk price forecast for this season from...

08 Apr 2020 Agri

The Government, the virus and the QE program

After a tumultuous few weeks, financial markets have calmed again…

06 Apr 2020 Weekly Commentary

Unprecedented times: Revised economic and financial outlook

We have estimated the macroeconomic impact of each Covid-19 Alert Level...

31 Mar 2020 Economic data and RBNZ

The economy at Level 4

A four-week lockdown to counter Covid-19 is the correct decision for New Zealand…

30 Mar 2020 Weekly Commentary

A very deep recession, but hopefully brief

The Covid-19 situation has escalated dramatically and New Zealand is heading…

23 Mar 2020 Weekly Commentary

First Impressions: RBNZ provides crucial market support measures

The RBNZ has stepped up with a range of measures to support financial markets...

20 Mar 2020 Economic data and RBNZ

Westpac McDermott Miller Regional Economic Confidence

Regional economic confidence has fallen sharply...

20 Mar 2020 Confidence surveys

The coming recession: deep, but hopefully brief

The Covid-19 recession will be deeper than the GFC. We expect GDP to decline...

19 Mar 2020 Economic data and RBNZ

First Impressions: NZ GDP, Q4 2019

GDP increased by 0.5% in the December quarter, with the economy growing by 2.3%...

19 Mar 2020 Economic data and RBNZ

NZ Dairy Update

Last night’s GlobalDairyTrade auction resulted in a decline in the headline price...

18 Mar 2020 Agri