NZ Consumer Price Index review, Q4 2013

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 0.1% in the December quarter, against forecasts...

21 Jan 2014 Economic data and RBNZ

Home Truths

There is now no doubt about it. New Zealand’s housing market is slowing...

21 Jan 2014 Housing

No smoking gun

The evidence continues to pile up that the economy is now steaming ahead...

20 Jan 2014 Weekly Commentary

Westpac McDermott Miller Employment Confidence

New Zealanders’ employment confidence rose slightly in December, continuing its...

20 Jan 2014 Confidence surveys

NZ Consumer Price Index preview, Q4 2013

We expect a 0.2% fall in consumer prices for the December quarter, holding annual...

16 Jan 2014 Economic data and RBNZ

NZ Quarterly Survey of Business Opinion, Q4 2013

Business sentiment was overwhelmingly positive in the December Quarterly Survey...

14 Jan 2014 Economic data and RBNZ

A firm footing

Before large swathes of the population started their annual migration to...

13 Jan 2014 Weekly Commentary

NZ GDP review, Q3 2013

GDP rose by 1.4% in the September 2013 quarter, in line with our view and stronger...

19 Dec 2013 Economic data and RBNZ

NZ current account review, Q3 2013

The current account deficit widened to 4.1% of GDP in the year to September...

18 Dec 2013 Economic data and RBNZ

Fortnightly Agri Update

Climbing temperatures, the smell of pine needles and busy beaches are all signs...

18 Dec 2013 Agri

Westpac McDermott Miller Regional Economic Confidence

Economic optimism in Canterbury has risen to its highest level in a decade...

18 Dec 2013 Confidence surveys

Half-Year Fiscal and Economic Update 2013

Today’s Half Year Fiscal and Economic Update contained relatively few surprises...

17 Dec 2013 Economic data and RBNZ