The Deposit Takers Act will bring in a new depositors compensation scheme from mid-2025. Read more about the depositors compensation scheme.

With your ID, proof of address and mobile phone handy, you can open an Everyday account or Simple Saver account online in just a few minutes. If you’ve selected a debit card with your Everyday account, you can add it to your digital wallet (Apple Pay or Google Pay™) straight away, and start using it before your physical card arrives in the mail.

If you're looking to open a different account or want someone to talk you through it, simply give us a call on 0800 400 600, and we'll take care of the rest.

It’s easy to join.


Choose the best account

Select the type of account you want to open below and check if you can apply online, or if you need to give us a call first (we’ll help make an appointment in a branch near you).

Apply with the right ID

Make sure to have all your documents handy (list below).

Let’s make switching easy for you

Once you're all set up, drop us a line and we’ll help to close your old accounts (there will be some paperwork for you to fill in), and we’ll transfer your money, including any direct debits and automatic payments. You'll also be able to apply for loans and credit cards inside Westpac One® online banking.

I want an account for...

Person buying donuts with phone

My day-to-day spending

Person writing down their expenses

My savings

Couple playing piggy back in living room

Me and someone else

Parent with children on shoulders smiling

My child or teenager

Man sitting on a couch looking at his phone and smiling

Tertiary or apprenticeship

Two women and a man sitting in some stairs in a house

When I move to New Zealand

Woman packing jars in a warehouse

A business or organisation

Woman looking at her phone

Something else

Ready to open a new account online?

Quick check in

To set up a new account online, you must:

  • Be 18 or older
  • Be a New Zealand citizen or resident
  • Be living in New Zealand
  • Have all the right documents ready to upload — or a RealMe verified ID. More on this below.


What to have handy.

Valid NZ passport or driver's licence

To apply online you'll need one of these ready. Or simply use your RealMe details if you have it set up.

A mobile phone with a camera

Proof of address

Utility bills like power, water and electricity are great, but please double check our requirements to be sure. Here's what we accept (pdf)

Foreign tax number

If you also pay tax in another country, you’ll also need these details to hand.

All set with your mobile & ID ready?

Ka mau te pai (that’s fantastic).

You can also join in branch.

Call us to set up an appointment at a branch. Bring along your ID and proof of address and we’ll get the ball rolling. Setting up an appointment means you won’t be waiting in a line to see someone.

What ID documents are accepted?

Why join Westpac?


Backing communities across the motu (country)

Through scholarships and supporting local initiatives and trusts, we’re committed to helping our communities thrive.

Fighting fraud and scams

We’re serious about keeping your money safe, actively working 24/7 to stop financial crime, so you can bank with confidence.

Championing inclusion

We’re proudly supporting the pride community, working to help former prisoners reintegrate into society with dignity and opportunity, and much more.

Supporting vulnerable customers

We offer tailored care and services for those who need extra support, ensuring no one is left behind.
Learn about our community commitments

Helpful tools & tips.

Tools & resources

Use our free calculators and tools, so you can work things out and get things done.

Use our tools

Banking your way

Check out Westpac One® digital banking and all the ways you can bank securely on the go.

Ways to bank

Life & money

Helpful guides designed to support you make the most of your money, for the stage of life you're in.

Read our guides

Staying safe

Tips on how to protect yourself and your money from fraud, scams and cybercrime.

How to stay secure

Prefer to chat?

Call us

From 8am- 6pm Monday to Friday, and 9am to 3pm Saturday.

0800 400 600

Visit a branch

Find a branch and make an appointment with our helpful team.

Find your nearest branch

Frequently asked questions.

Things you should know.

Debit Mastercard Conditions of Use apply

EFTPOS Card Conditions of Use apply.

Transaction and service fees may apply to the use of these accounts. For details, please refer to the Transaction and Service fees brochurealso available free of charge at any Westpac branch. 

Lending criteria, terms and conditions apply. Conditions of Use for the applicable card apply. Rates, Transaction and Services Fees apply.

Westpac's home loan lending criteria, terms and conditions apply. A low equity margin may apply.

Mastercard is a registered trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.

Apple Pay and Google Pay are available to all eligible Westpac debit and credit Mastercard customers. Customers also need a compatible Apple or Android device.

Apple, Apple Pay, Apple Watch, iPad, iPhone and MacBook Pro are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Google Pay is a trademark of Google LLC.

BT Funds Management (NZ) Limited is the scheme issuer and Westpac New Zealand Limited is a distributor, of the Westpac KiwiSaver Scheme (Scheme).

Investments made in the Scheme do not represent bank deposits or other liabilities of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141, Westpac New Zealand Limited or other members of the Westpac Group of companies. They are subject to investment and other risks, including possible delays in payment of withdrawal amounts in some circumstances, and loss of investment value, including principal invested. None of BT Funds Management (NZ) Limited (as manager), any member of the Westpac Group of companies, The New Zealand Guardian Trust Company Limited (as supervisor), or any director or nominee of any of those entities, or any other person guarantees the Scheme's performance, returns or repayment of capital.