Westpac and their partner iSport Foundation NZ asked for nominations of teachers who have made a difference in kids' physical education.
Those nominations helped guide our selection of the 40 schools that would receive a box of sports balls each in this round of allocation.
Westpac and iSport will contact the schools and arrange delivery of their new equipment.
The teachers chosen and their respective schools are:
Andrew Morton from Ellesmere College, Canterbury
My heartfelt thanks go to Andrew Morton, at Ellesmere College - Te Kāreti o Waihora ! This school is dealing with years of underfunding, yet he, and the other junior teachers go above and beyond to help the juniors feel comfortable in their own skin. This school desperately needs a confidence boost, this would be amazing for them! Nominated by Angela Ward
Matt Burns from Ngunguru School
Matt Burns from Ngunguru School! He has got the school up and running in a number of sports over the last year and encourages all the kids to be active in many sports. We now have many sport teams participating throughout the school which is so exciting to see. He also dedicates a lot of his own time to coach both rugby and touch. The school would benefit so much from some new equipment Nominated by Hannah Meinhold
Tracey Morgan from Tokoroa Central School
Tracey Morgan for being the best netball co-ordinator for our local club and Tokoroa Central School! She spends countless hours at the courts to ensure that tamariki have the best playing conditions. Will jump on the court at a moments notice to ref a game as well. The tamariki thrive with her passion for netball and her supporting nature fosters their growth on and off the court! Nominated by Stacey Gurr
Bailey Perez from Papatoetoe High School
I would like to nominate Bailey Perez from Papatoetoe High School in South Auckland. She goes above and beyond in her PE lessons and also extra curricular activities before and after school. She is a fair and motivating teacher her who encourages every student to engage in not just sport and physical activity but improving their overall Hauora- at secondary level this is vital in keeping teenagers out of trouble but also managing everyday stresses! Nominated by Amanda Cobbald
Ben Cleaver from Riverton Primary School
I would like to nominate Mr Ben Cleaver of Riverton Primary School NZ, he knows the importance of physical education and how it can help his students learn and develop. He goes the extra mile coaching the kids various sports and playing games at lunchtimes and lights up the kids faces when he comes to watch the students play after school sport and Saturday morning sport, he gives up his own time to support and encourage these students in their various sporting activities! Nominated by Cassie Eade
Hannah Thomas from Whitau School, Christchurch
Hannah Thomas from Whītau School organises all of our sport which our tamariki love. Miss Thomas goes above and beyond to make sure tamariki don't miss out and even gave a student her own football boots so they could play. Miss Thomas organises and coaches tamariki so they can have success. Our PE budget can only go so far so this would be awesome to ensure our tamariki have the best gear! Nominated by Amy Collins
Andy Munn from Paengaroa Primary School
Andy Munn 100% Andy Munn at Paengaroa School!! My eldest and most active boy absolutely thrived being in his class last year due to his dedication to work with each individual child’s strengths and for mine, that was sport! His presence around the school is always positively felt as well. Good luck Mr Munn! Nominated by Morgan Stone
Georgia Lloyd from Upper Hutt School
Georgia Lloyd our sports coordinator at Upper Hutt School She goes above and beyond for ALL tamariki in our kura. She is dedicated, kind, caring and a sports goer herself. Georgia will always work out a way to make sure all interested tamariki get the chance to participate and will work tirelessly to make it happen for them. Fingers crossed for you Georgia Nominated by Chella McGuigan
Richard Bennett from Waiau Area School, Tuatapere
Richard Bennett from Waiau Area School. Always there for the kids no matter what age. Goes the extra mile Nominated by Fleur Harding
Jenna-Eve Foley and Tayla Nicholson from Wairakei Primary, Taupo
My heart is overflowing with gratitude as I reflect on my son's journey through Wairakei Primary School here in Taupo. As a boy with combined type ADHD, he faced his fair share of challenges. Fitting in wasn't always easy, but despite it all, he was well-liked by his peers. What made all the difference was the incredible support team around him, particularly two special teachers who truly understood him.His deputy principal, Jenna-Eve Foley , was nothing short of amazing. Yes, he found himself in the office more times than we'd like to count, but Jenna never judged him or criticized his behavior. Instead, she created a safe space for him to breathe, reset, and return to class when he was ready. Her compassion and patience gave him the support he needed when it mattered most.Then there's his class teacher for two years, Tayla Nicholson , who saw the beauty in my boy. Tayla’s way of teaching made him feel like he truly belonged in the classroom—like he was not just a part of the class, but a leader. With that sense of responsibility, he found his worth at school, and it meant the world to him. Even now, in intermediate, he lights up whenever he sees Miss Nicholson, giving her the biggest hugs, because she left a lasting impact on his life.I am so deeply thankful for these two remarkable women who saw my son for who he is and helped shape him into the young man he’s becoming. You’ll forever have our gratitude. Nominated by Roschelle Ormsby
Mrs Toulmin & Mr Randles from Marton School, Rangitikei
Wow what a amazing giveaway. I have two teachers to nominate at my kids school - Marton School here in the Rangitikei. The two teachers I want to nominate are Mrs T (Toulmin), she is an amazing sports coordinator for the school, she plans and organisers cross country, athletics, and morning fitness for the school and families. Mrs T has been teaching for several years, she taught my husband and I and now teaching out children. She is such an asset to the school. She also helps out over the whole school whenever there is a teacher away with sickness or on release. And also like to nominate Mr Randles, not only does he do all things involved for a teacher (teaches our middle hub - yr 4,5 & 6) but he is very passionate about hockey. Has been involved with the local hockey association for many years which he supports up and coming referees, players and team managers. Quite often giving up his own time after school and weekends to support the sport. Nominated by Kirsty Dellow
Whāea Mereana Anderson from Te Kura o Hato Hohepa te Kamura, Waitaruke, Far North
Our Tumuaki (Principal) Whāea Mereana Anderson at Te Kura o Hato Hohepa te Kamura in Waitaruke (Far North) is truly our kids biggest motivator! She pushes them to their absolute limits and shows them their full potential and encourages all of our kids to give everything a go! She follows them to their Saturday sports (literally chases them around the fields and courts) but our kids love and respect her soooo much!Always yelling and cheering the loudest, always making sure they have what they need, no child goes without.I really believe that she is the reason why our kids are the absolute best at everything they put their minds to. Not just in Sports but in general. Thankyou Westpac for the opportunity. Our Kura would definitely value and appreciate some new sports equipment Nominated by Doris M S Kiro-Stewart
Mr Wickman from Manurewa Central Primary
Mr Wickman at Manurewa Central Primary School .He is my son's teacher.He loves sports and spends all of his time teaching kids in class and coaching the kids on the filed... He coach's them and takes them to every sports game. Running around the field.He is always out watching the kids playing at lunchtime.He is such an amazing person and teacher.He is my son's favorite teacher ever.He will miss him heaps next year as he is off to intermediate... Nominated by Rebecca Pierson
Joe D'Ambrosio from Botany Downs School
I would like to nominate Joe D'ambrosio from Botany Downs School for his dedication to ensuring our tamariki learn and enjoy sports. He coordinates school-wide sporting events throughout the year, organises activities across the Howick/Pakuranga area and runs engaging lunchtime programs. His enthusiasm for sports makes him a wonderful role model for our tamariki! Good Luck Mr D Nominated by Michelle Takaiti
Phoebe Andrews from Liston College, Henderson
Nominating Liston College - Phoebe Andrew’s - rockstar of the west. Passionate and tireless energy with the kids and nominating the entire sports department at Liston West Auckland Nominated by Annabel Armstrong
“Sports Teacher” at St. Marys Catholic School, Papakura
St Marys Catholic in Papakura, the sports teacher is amazing at organising everything and getting out and playing with the kids. This would be amazing Nominated by Ginelle Webb
Mrs Ansell from Howick Intermediate School
I nominate my teacher Mrs Ansell from Howick Intermediate. Since term 3 through to term four she has donated 2 days each week of her time to help coach/teach our Netball Aims team for 2024. After all her hard work coaching and prepping us for our tournament she devoted a week of her time (Saturday through to Friday) to coach us through our entire Netball journey!!!Not only was she our coach but she was our friend and had a mutual respect for eachother, which allowed us to have fun but know our limits and expectations. She also did more than help with Netball, she encouraged us to strive to be the better,healthier versions of ourselves and motivated us to try our best in everything we do, which led me to place in 4th for our school cross country. The others in our Netball team also placed top 10 in our school and we enjoyed running our hardest through SEZ cross country. She is genuinely such a kind and inspirational person and I hope this message has motivated you just as much she did to choose her for this sports pack. This would be an incredible gift to our school, as for we do not have much sports equipment to use for our enjoyment. Thank you from Layla. Nominated by Pauline Rutherford (and Layla)
Charlene Tamaki from Manurewa Intermediate School
Miss Tamaki from Manurewa Intermediate is an incredible role model for her students. Rain, hail, or shine, she’s out there coaching netball, softball, and volleyball—giving up her weekdays and weekends to help where the need is or where the kids' interest lies. Whether managing teams or cheering on the sideline, Miss Tamaki is always there. She even digs deep into her own pockets to provide the necessary gear, ensuring every student has what they need to succeed. Her dedication goes above and beyond for her students. Nominated by Mohi Shellz
Melissa Young from Parkland School, Palmerston North
Melissa Young from Parkland School . You really gave Nat her wings with sports. She has tried so many new things because of your encouragement and interest in who she is.. even now you're one of the first people she wants to share her successes with! Nominated by Laura Konijn
Mr King from Stratford Primary School, Taranaki
Mr. King at Stratford Primary School in Stratford, Taranaki. He encourages all the kids to be the best that they can be. Even if they are quiet and shy he slowly builds their confidence by encouraging them to give it a go. He also works with other staff members and whanau to provide boots, balls etc where needed and is not afraid to get out and run around with his students. Nominated by Catriona Farrell
Jude Harwidge from Taihape Area School
Jude Hardwidge at Taihape Area School. I'm sure Shawny Po will love collecting all the balls off the roof Nominated by Alysha Bennett
Mr Bennett from St Joseph’s, Morrinsville
Mr Bennett is the most FANTASTIC teacher I have ever met!!! He's has taught 2 of my children now and they have both had the most incredible growth in all areas of their school life, he's is able to get the very best out of them from a academic perspective but also tuning into what makes them excited for life. He knows exactly what sports the kids love and will have great chats about it with them be it NZ codes or codes from overseas if the kids watch that. This legend of a man even came to one of my children's reps sports games with his family the year after he was their teacher to see how well they were doing. This man is the very best of the best!!!!!!! We need more teachers like him!!! Nominated by Katrina Tarrant
Amelia Fosbender from Donovan Primary School, Invercargill
I would like to nominate Amelia Fosbender from Donovan Primary. She is a fabulous sports coordinator at our wonderful school. Her enthusiasm and couragement makes children excited to play sport. Amelia teaches children the rules of the games and how to play fair. She orgainses the school sports uniforms to ensure no child is left out. Amelia has incredible organisational skills and she is a great role model Nominated by Melissa Edwards
Mr Thomas at Shirley Primary, Christchurch
Mr Thomas from Shirley Primary. He was my mentor teacher as a BT and inspired me to take over PE at our school. He’s always thinking about what the kids want to do and makes it fun for them. He’s the best! Nominated by Leilani Matai
Patrick Barrett from Te Ranga School, Bay of Plenty
Patrick Barrett, Te Ranga School! He has done an outstanding job making sports enjoyable for everyone! While keeping competitive elements for the kids that love it, he also has created new fun events to get kids outside and moving and having a good relationship with physical education. Alongside this, puts all our sports teams together and manages it all! An absolute star! Nominated by Aimee Kennedy
Jayde Mayberry from Sheffield School, Canterbury
Jayde Mayberry from Sheffield School is the most inspiring teacher both inside and outside of the classroom. She has a passion for learning through being physically active and champions our school PEAK values, sportsmanship, personal accountability and inclusiveness in everything she does. She provides and creates a huge range of opportunities for our students and is always there supporting and encouraging. Being a rural school there are not always as many activities on offer but Jayde goes out of her way to find them and make them available to our students. So grateful to have her inspiring our our students! Love reading the posts above so see that there are others out there as amazing as Jayde! Nominated by Karyn Scollay
Kelsie Fitzpatrick from Bohally Intermediate School, Blenheim
Bohally Intermediate School has so many wonderful staff that support children with sport. Kelsie Fitzpatrick, Daniel-Kelly Hammond, Elliot Robinson, Jordy Peipi, Liv Pinkerton, Brit Lyons, Nicky Cameron-Dunn, Kerry Wilkin, PJ Bibby all go above and beyond to provide awesome, different, learning opportunities outside of the classroom where students get moving and have a blast at the same time. They encourage tamariki to live the school moto- Maximising Potential- whether it is ecxellence in their top athletes or participation and contribution in those who are trying something for the first time. The school is well deserving of this equipment and I know that it would be utilised by so many children. As a parent of the school I feel proud of the growth of my children in the sporting arena while they have attend this wonderful school and it is due to the great people that have supported them there. Thanks guys! Nominated by Eve Sutherland
Tracey Gray from Gonville School, Whanganui
Tracey Gray from Gonville School, Whanganui. Always goes the extra mile for our tamariki. Takes on our sports coordinator role but goes above and beyond, often coaching multiple teams. She makes sport accessible and that’s what it’s all about. Always see her happy, encouraging self down on the netball courts and that’s just one of the sports she’s involved with. Back at school we have awesome seniors vs kaiako matches at the end of the season to bring some fun into our kura, hotly anticipated games with some highly competitive staff and equally competitive tamariki. We are so lucky to have her Nominated by Hollie Laird
Mrs Chappell from Egmont Village School
Mrs Chapple at Egmont Village School. She spends hours of her own time making sure kids are in teams and they can participate in all sports offered to the school. She had a gentle nature when encouraging kids when they suddenly get field fright(stage fright). Always willing to go above and beyond for the kids Linda Hastie
Kimberley White from Firth Primary School
Firth Primary School teachers. Each an every one of them but most especially whaea Kimberley. She rocks Nominated by Pania Anderson
Robb Pratt from Pukehou School, Otane
Mr Rob Pratt : Principal and Teacher at Pukehou School. Mr Pratt leads by example, getting outside with the students to play whatever is on the court that day. He is competitive and fun and the kids love how involved he is in their games. On the sidelines he is a huge supporter to each and every team, cheering and coaching (when he prob has a mountain of paperwork!). He plays Saturday sport himself but takes the time to cheer our children on as often as he can - whether it’s netball, football, hockey… you name it he’s there! Thanks Mr Pratt for being awesome and providing so many sports/outdoor opportunities for our children Nominated by Ak Hansen
Marty Burke at Kirkwood Intermediate, Christchurch
Marty Burke at Kirkwood intermediate always motivating and encouraging of all the akonga. Always keen to give anything a go and introducing new sports and skills on a regular basis. Nothing is ever a problem even when he's super busy with his classroom and incredibly supportive of other staff when they decide to run a full school sports event. Nominated by Vicky Rowe
Megan Gilmore from Kaiapoi North School
Megan Gilmore from Kaiapoi North School! This lady is the absolute legend when it comes to sport. She has grown our school basketball programme over the 20 years she has been at our school and it has become the leading school in the South Island. Not only that but she ensures every kid who wants to be a part of any sport has the opportunity and will often empty her own pockets to ensure no one misses out. An absolute legend in the sports domain but also the classroom, building self belief with a motto of “love them today and then you can teach them tomorrow”. This lady is the absolute best! Nominated by Olivia McCathy
Pip Deans from Darfield High School
Pip Deans at Darfield High School Sport. She offers so many opportunities for the students and spends a lot of her own time supporting them at events. Nominated by Lynda Milner
Nadia Dobbs from Te Uru Karaka Newton Central School
Whaea Nadia Dobbs at Te Uru Karaka Newton Central School, a super awesome Kaiawhina who volunteers her time (including her leave days) to support our tamariki - coaching, cheering, encouraging and including all tamariki on the sports field/court. She has tried to relieve Kaiako workloads by stepping into the sport coordinator space, a thankless role appreciated by all whānau of the kura. - if not successful, tuku mihi ki a koe whaea Nadia, kei te tipu ngā tamariki ki tō taha Nominated by Kylee Wiki-Law
Gina Draper from Piopio College
Gina Draper uses her passion for sports and physical activity to inspire not only students of our small rural school called Piopio College -Te Kura Tuarua o Piopio but also children within our community. Inspiring and encouraging them to participate in sports they love and to also give new ones ago. Even going above and beyond by exposing our students to new opportunities, having opportunities can be a barrier to our rural school, however Gina does her absolute best to make sure our students are able to partake in them. Such a valued and appreciated member of our staff and community and all those extra hours you put in for our students and Kura do not go unnoticed Nominated by Ashley Jade Muraahi
Matua Tyson from Cloverlea School, Palmerston North
Matua Tyson from Cloverlea School, Palmerston North Matua Tyson is not only an inspiration to the kids in the classroom but also shares his love for sports outside of the classroom with the kids of Cloverlea School. He’s super positive, encouraging, kind, caring, big energy with a great sense of humour that provides kids a fun and safe environment when engaging in sports with Matua Tyson. #Legendary Nominated by Maggie Leota
Simon Tuifao and Dave McHugh from Woodstock Primary School, Hamilton
Mr T (Simon Tuifao) and Mr McHugh (Dave Mchugh) at Woodstock Primary School are amazing teachers who ignite students’ passion for sports. They encourage and inspire all children to jump in and give things a go. They consistently go above and beyond, whether it's coaching a team, organising sports events, or simply encouraging students to participate in physical activities. Their passion for sports is contagious! Nominated by Staci Harrison
Mike Kara and Rosey Kara from Whakatane Intermediate School
Mike Kara and Rosey Kara from Whakatane Intermediate School are so deserving of this. Rock climbing super coaches who dedicate so much time, energy, love and positivity to their students. Year after year they work tirelessly in the evenings and weekends and unconditionally support their kids. Nominated by Marcia Stewart
Sharlene Manukau from Katikati College
Sharlene Manukau inspires and encourages young people both at school, on the netball court and in Junior Life Saving. The greatest gift she gives to Katikati College is her passion, dedication and advocacy for students with additional needs and this is evident across all curriculum areas, but especially in PE - developing motor skills, managing self, relational skills and above all else confidence and self awareness. She’s a gem Nominated by Cara Howie