29 Apr 2019

The new addition of a baby to your family can cost anywhere from $8,000 to $16,000 per year, according to recent estimates.

But a lot of the products new parents are encouraged to buy aren’t actually necessary and end up being a waste of money.

“You think or are told you need so many things for your first child and a lot of the items don’t end up getting used.

Also, what works for one mum, may not work for you,” Auckland mother Imogen Dashwood, whose daughter is 11 months old, said.


In an effort to be baby-savvy, try these 10 handy tips for saving:

  1. Buy second hand gear as much as possible, such as cots and buggies.

  2. Sell items once you are finished using them. You might be able to sell them for a similar price to their second hand value.

  3. Look out for giveaways for clothing and even nappies. You can find these on Facebook marketplace or Neighbourly.com

  4. Use a registry when friends or relatives want to buy gifts or organise a baby shower. This way you won’t end up doubling up on items and you receive the products that you really need. Specify that you want a range of clothes for the first year so you don’t just end up with newborn outfits and nothing else.

  5. Hire capsules instead of buying them because babies grow out of them so fast.

  6. Don’t buy too many things. You don’t need as many items as you have been told and the excess ends up being a waste of money.

  7. If you are going to buy brand new items, wait for them to be on sale.

  8. Cook in bulk and freeze the extra meals. This cuts down food wastage and lowers your power bill, plus it saves you time if the meals are ready to pull out of the freezer.

  9. Breastfeed. Nursing your baby naturally is recommended by health professionals and it also saves money that you would otherwise have to spend on baby milk formula.

  10. Buy reusable nappies and baby wipes. Even though this will mean more time spent washing dirty nappies, it would save you financially in the long run.
