Report a scam.

Email us

If you believe you have received a suspicious email, you can forward it to us. 


Talk to us

Need further help?

Call 0800 400 600

Report to other agencies

Once you have spoken to us, you should report scams to other agencies so that they can take steps to prevent other people being targeted by them and losing money. 

Things you should know.

Westpac's General Terms and Conditions require you to, amongst other things, safeguard your Security Details, notify Westpac immediately of any security breach, and provide all relevant details of any fraudulent activity.

Payments that you authorise yourself are generally not considered fraudulent. It’s likely that you will be liable for any losses incurred and it can be difficult to recover the money once the payment has been made. Take care when making payments and ensure you take steps to protect yourself from scams. If you believe you have been targeted by a scam, contact your bank immediately.