Extra care where it’s needed.
At some point you may need some extra assistance to manage your banking or sign up for an account.

Accessible banking.
We aim to make our services and products accessible to all New Zealanders. Our branches and ATMs are designed with accessibility in mind and we partner with iSign to help make your banking easier if you’re deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment.

Dementia friendly banking.
We're proud to be New Zealand's first dementia friendly bank. If you're living with dementia or caring for someone that is, arrange a time to talk with us about how we can help. We aim to help people with dementia to plan ahead with their families, arrange access to financial services and support their independence for as long as possible.

Loss of a loved one.
Losing a loved one can be overwhelming, especially when practical things need to be taken care of. Our deceased estate team can help you navigate this stressful time.

Financial hardship.
Sometimes the unexpected can happen which may impact your ability to meet your repayments. We can help tailor a solution that fits your needs.

Separation and splitting assets.
Separation or divorce can be a cause of stress and worry. When your relationship is over, it’s important to look after yourself and your finances. We can help with steps and guides in separating physically and financially, regaining your independence and when you’re ready to rebuild your financial security.
Family & domestic violence.
Do you or someone you know need some help to protect or strengthen their financial independence?
We understand that it can be hard to talk about family violence and financial abuse.
Westpac has worked with a variety of specialist organisations like Shine, Good Shepherd and Age Concern to develop a pathway to support customers to increase their financial independence.
Ways to make payments.
Online banking
Customers can use Westpac One online banking from their computer or mobile device safely and securely at any time.
To set up online banking customers can call 0800 400 600 and either:
- Get help setting this service up over the phone
- Book an in-branch appointment where a staff member can help with setting up and provide a demo on how to use online banking. Customers can bring their own device and use the branch Wi-Fi.
Walk through the benefits of banking online with our digital ambassador Judy Bailey.
TXT or email reminders can be set up through Westpac One online banking to alert you when your account balance goes over or under a certain amount, or when a planned payment fails.
Phone banking
For customers with no internet access or are not comfortable with online banking, phone banking can allow them to use a landline or mobile phone to check balances, pay bills, transfer funds and more through a simple phone call.
To set up phone banking customers can call 0800 400 600 and either:
- Receive help setting this service up over the phone
- Book an in-branch appointment where a staff member can help with setting up and provide a demo on how to use phone banking.
Other ways to make payments
Automatic payments
Automatic payments are useful for regular transactions where the payment amount will stay the same, like rent. Automatic payments can be managed via online banking, phone banking or through a branch.
Direct debit
Direct debits are useful for regular payments where the amount will vary, like electricity or phone bills. A direct debit can be set up by speaking directly to the company you want to pay this way.
Companies are required to advise customers of the amount that will be paid via direct debit before the payment is processed, so you won’t be caught unaware.
Extra Care indicator.
For customers who need extra care, we have the extra care indicator where specific information can be loaded onto a customer profile so they won’t have to repeat themselves to explain their situation each time they speak to us.
Customers can talk to us about this option in branch or on 0800 400 600.
Extra support through our partnerships.
SeniorNet online banking workshops
Need a little help to feel confident banking online? Through our partnership with SeniorNet, face-to-face online banking workshops are held throughout the country, in our branches, in care homes and through other community groups.
FinCap partnership
Budgeting support can ease unexpected financial pressures and connecting with a financial mentor can help you get back on track if you’re facing difficulty.
If you need help, call our Westpac team on 0800 400 600. We may be able to directly refer you to FinCap for extra support.
Our partnership with IDCARE aims to help people and organisations deal with the distressing aftermath of identity theft and financial crime.
If you are a victim of fraud or a scam, our financial crime specialists may refer you to IDCARE for free specialist advice and counselling.
New Start
Prisoners across New Zealand are now able to obtain correct ID and apply to open a bank account ahead of their release.
The ‘New Start’ partnership between Westpac and Ara Poutama Aotearoa Department of Corrections makes it easier for people who have served their time to reintegrate into the community.
Educational support.
Managing your money
Check out our tips, tools and guides for budgeting, saving and borrowing.
Our online toolkit: Managing Your Money
Educational games
Learning about money doesn’t have to be serious – these games will support young ones to develop money management skills through play.
Things you should know.
This information is a guide only and does not take into account your personal financial situation or goals.