Manage your home loan.
Tips and guides to help you manage your current Westpac home loan and reach your goals sooner.
Explore the possibilities.
Life is always changing, so it’s good to see if your home loan still works best for you from time to time.
Fixed rate rollover time?
Now is the perfect time to reassess your situation. The great news is you have lots of options, and it’s not always just about the rate.
Get mortgage free sooner
Simple and practical ways to save money on interest costs and pay off your home loan faster.
Borrowing a bit extra
Topping up or redrawing on your loan could be a simple way to fund something important, like a renovation.
Thinking of breaking a fixed-rate loan?
If you are considering breaking a fixed term loan, fees may apply. We’ll help you weigh up the pros and cons so you have all the information you need to make your decision.
Reducing your repayments
Need to free up some cash? While reducing your home loan repayments may be an option, it could also come with longer term costs. See whether this option is right for you.
Know your numbers.
More guides & support.

Understand all your options before making important decisions about your existing loan.

If you’re close to paying off your home loan – congratulations! Here are a few things to consider.

Life is hard to plan for. If you’re experiencing financial difficulty, we have a range of guidance and strategies that can help.

Ready to make changes? Use Westpac One® digital banking.
Often the easiest way to manage your loan is with digital banking. Depending on how your loan is set up, you may have access to some or all these features:
- Check your loan balance and statements anytime
- Change your repayment amounts, at no cost
- Use our tool to work out your repayment option to see the impact on your loan term and total interest paid
- Access money, if your loan has a redraw facility
- Take advantage of our rates and lock in up to 60 days in advance if your fixed rate is close to rollover
- Apply for new loans
- Apply for repayment holidays during hard times.
Let us help.
Real stories.
Things you should know.
Interest rates are subject to change without notice. Westpac's home loan lending criteria, terms and conditions apply. A low equity margin may apply.