Which name do I share for digital banking payments?
New Zealand banks are starting to check if names match account numbers for new and changed payees in Westpac One® digital banking with the Confirmation of Payee service.
- Make sure you give out the right name so that payments go through smoothly.
You can easily share your account holder name and number from Westpac One, or from Westpac One Business. - Check the name of the person or business you’re paying before you add them as a payee, edit their payment details or make a one-off payment.
- For more information, go to How do I use the Confirmation of Payee digital banking check.
Personal accounts
- For personal accounts, the service checks the legal first name and surname you used when you set up or changed your account.
- If you want to change your legal name to align with your gender identity, we may be able to help with the cost. Email us at extra_care@westpac.co.nz and we’ll send you the details.
Joint accounts
- If you’re paying a joint account, the service will give a ‘match’ result if the name you enter matches the legal first name and surname of any of the account holders.
Accounts managed by a parent or guardian
- If you're a guardian for someone (like a child), use their legal first name and surname when you share their account holder name.
- If you're paying a child or a person with a guardian, the service will give a ‘match’ result if you enter either their name or their parent or guardian’s name (if the parent or guardian manages the account).
Business accounts
For business accounts, the service checks the legal name of the business. The service also checks the trading name for those businesses who bank with Westpac and have provided it to us.
- Using the trading name for a payment may result in a ‘partial match’ or ‘not a match’ result if we don’t have it.
- The names shown on your statement and in Corporate Online and Business Online digital banking may not be the same as the legal name and may also give your customer a ‘partial match’ or ‘not a match’ result.
- The Account details screen in Westpac One or Westpac One Business digital banking shows your legal account holder name and trading name). To share your trading name with us, go to How do I add or change my trading name, or change my account holder name.
If an account name is too long
- You should use the legal name of the business or the trading name but not both.
- Only type in the first name and surname of the person you plan to pay – you don’t need to add their middle names.
Macrons and other special characters
At the moment, the service does not recognise letters with an accent mark above or below, so you’ll need to type the letter without the macron or accent mark to get a ‘match’. For example macrons (Rāwiri), umlauts (Zoë) and other accents in names like Íñigo, Inèz, or François.
For now, type the letter without the macron or accent mark to get a ‘match’.
If a business has told you their payee name contains special characters like @ * & # - then you should include them.
You don’t need to enter titles like Doctor or Professor.
We’re here to help
If you have any questions we're here to help. Call us weekdays 7am to 8pm and weekends 8am to 5pm on 0800 400 600, or if you deal with a specialist call us weekdays 8.30am to 5pm:
- Agribusiness 0800 500 655
- Business Banking 0800 288 101
- Corporate Banking 0800 500 655
- Institutional and Government Banking 0800 221 082