If you can't find your card, you can temporarily block it in Westpac One® digital banking to prevent someone else from using it and unblock it when you find it. If it’s lost or stolen, you can cancel it and order a new one in Westpac One. 

To temporarily block and unblock your cards: 

Using the Westpac One® app:

  • Open the Westpac One app and log in
  • Select 'Cards' from the bottom navigation bar
  • Select the card you’d like to manage
  • Select 'Block card' to temporarily block or 'Unblock card' to unblock this card.

Using Westpac One online banking: 

  1. Select ‘Manage cards’ in the side menu on the Accounts screen 
  2. Select the card you want to manage 
  3. Under ‘Block this card temporarily’, switch the toggle on the right to 'On' to temporarily block or to 'Off' to unblock the card. 

 To cancel your card and order a replacement:  

Using the Westpac One app: 

  1. Open the Westpac One app and log in 
  2. Go to the bottom and select 'Cards'  
  3. Select the card you’d like to cancel 
  4. Select ‘Lost or stolen card’  
  5. Follow the steps to replace your card. 

Using Westpac One online banking: 

  1. Select ‘Manage cards’ in the side menu on the Accounts screen 
  2. Select the card you want to manage 
  3. Select 'Lost or stolen card' 
  4. Select 'Lost' or 'Stolen'  
  5. Click 'Cancel and replace'  
  6. Click 'Confirm'. 

Conditions of Use for the applicable card apply. Rates, transaction and services fees apply.