Why choose Westpac?

  • Safe and secure transfers: We provide secure channels for sending and receiving money from overseas.
  • Low fees: Enjoy low fees for international money transfers.
  • Wide reach: Access a variety of countries and currencies through Westpac One.

Foreign exchange rates.

Westpac's current foreign exchange rates as at 29/03/2025 02:48am, these exchange rates are indicative only and subject to change without notice.

United States Dollar (USD)0.5603
Pound Sterling (GBP)0.4328
Australian Dollar (AUD)0.8916
Euro (EUR)0.5190
Japanese Yen (JPY)84.4844
CurrencySend an international money transfer*Receive an international money transfer*Change foreign cash into NZD**Change NZD into foreign cash**
United States Dollar (USD)0.56030.58220.60550.5603
Pound Sterling (GBP)0.43280.44980.46780.4328
Australian Dollar (AUD)0.89160.92700.95760.8916
Euro (EUR)0.51900.53950.56110.5190
Japanese Yen (JPY)84.484487.805991.406084.4844

*An international money transfer is referred to on our fees page as a telegraphic transfer (TT).
**Our foreign cash services (both buy and sell) are only available to Westpac New Zealand Limited customers who hold an existing account that has regular transactions through it. This service is not available if you open an account solely to transact for foreign cash.

Transactions over $100,000.

For large international money transfers & foreign exchange transactions, contact our FX team at fmdirect@westpac.co.nz or request a call back. Our team will get in touch during business hours.

How to arrange your foreign exchange.

Do it online

Send an international payment or make transfers on your foreign currency accounts using Westpac One® online banking.

Log in to Westpac One

Order foreign cash

To order cash before you travel, visit your local branch or call us weekdays on 0800 400 600 between 7am to 8pm and weekends 8am to 5pm. Foreign cash is subject to availability, only available to existing Westpac New Zealand customers and can take up to ten days to arrive. 

Find your local branch opening hours

Things you should know.

The exchange rates above are indicative only and subject to change without notice. The exchange rates above are updated Monday to Friday during business hours, excluding public holidays. As such, the indicative exchange rates above may not be available at the time you wish to enter into a transaction. Depending on the type of transaction you enter into, additional fees or a different exchange rate may apply. All exchange rates listed above are expressed as foreign units against one NZ Dollar.

Westpac Banking Corporation (acting through its New Zealand branch) ABN  33 007 457 141, incorporated in Australia (Westpac) is the provider of the foreign exchange products and services listed on this webpage.

Any product or service made available by Westpac New Zealand Limited (company number 1763882) (WNZL) does not represent an offer from Westpac or any of its subsidiaries (other than WNZL). Neither Westpac nor its other subsidiaries guarantee or otherwise support the performance of WNZL in respect of any such product. WNZL is not an authorised deposit-taking institution for the purposes of Australian prudential standards.

The current disclosure statements for the New Zealand division of Westpac and for WNZL can be obtained at the internet address www.westpac.co.nz.

The information on this page, terms and conditions and pricing for foreign exchange products and services are subject to change from time to time.