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Things you should know.

Westpac Banking Corporation (acting through its New Zealand branch) ABN  33 007 457 141, incorporated in Australia (Westpac) is the provider of the foreign exchange products and services listed on this webpage.

Any product or service made available by Westpac New Zealand Limited (company number 1763882) (WNZL) does not represent an offer from Westpac or any of its subsidiaries (other than WNZL). Neither Westpac nor its other subsidiaries guarantee or otherwise support the performance of WNZL in respect of any such product. WNZL is not an authorised deposit-taking institution for the purposes of Australian prudential standards.

The current disclosure statements for the New Zealand division of Westpac and for WNZL can be obtained on our disclosure statements page.

The information on this page, terms and conditions and pricing for foreign exchange products and services are subject to change from time to time.