Westpac One Business.
Take control with digital banking that’s streamlined for your business.
We’re checking if names match account numbers for digital banking payments. Check you’re giving out the right name to your customers.
Intuitive, simple, & easy to use.
Westpac One Business is simple and intuitive to use, with new features being developed to make it even easier to manage your business banking digitally.
You’ll have the same great experience across desktop, tablet, or mobile, so you can do your digital banking anywhere.
Westpac One Business is not currently available to all businesses. If you’re not a current customer, you can use Business Online for your business banking.
Westpac One Business How-to Guide.
Log in
- Go to business.westpac.co.nz.
- Enter your username and password.
- Click Log in.
Log out
Always log out of Westpac One Business if you’re not using it to keep your account safe.
To do this, click the Log out button, then wait for the confirmation page to make sure you’ve logged out successfully.
Self-service admin tasks
Administrators can do the following tasks through their Westpac One Business account:
- Activate or deactivate users
- Edit user details and permissions (viewers and creators)
- Create new users (viewers and creators)
- Reset another user’s password
- Change account short names and display names.
Self-service tasks for dual-admin organisations
Administrators of dual-admin organisations can do the same self-service tasks, but they need a second administrator to approve changes. The changes won’t take effect until they have been approved by both administrators.
Approving changes for dual-admin organisations
To see your approval requests, go to Manage, then User approvals.
- For each approval request you can:
- Click Approve to apply the changes to the user
- Click Reject to cancel the changes to the user.
Rejecting an approval deletes the original change. The change will need to be made again and resubmitted for approval.
There isn’t currently a notification to let the first administrator know their approval request was rejected, so the second administrator will need to tell them.
Activate or deactivate users
When you create a new user their login status is set to Inactive. When their status changes to Active depends on your type of organisation:
- For single-admin organisations, the status changes to Active once account permissions are assigned.
- For dual-admin organisations, the status changes to Active once account permissions are approved.
If a user’s status is Active, they can log in to Westpac One Business and access the accounts they have permissions for. If their status is Inactive, they can’t log in. Once a user is activated, you can deactivate or activate them to change their login status.
To activate or deactivate a user:
- Go to Manage, then click Users.
- Search for the user, then click either Activate or Deactivate.
- Confirm you want to make the change.
- You’ll see a message confirming the change is made, and the user status will update.
Edit user details and roles permissions
You can edit a user’s email, certain roles, transactions and limits. If you want to give or return the Approver or Admin role to a user, you’ll need to fill out a Westpac One Business Change Request Form.
- Go to Manage, then click Users.
- Search for the user, then click Edit.
- To edit their email, go to User details and update the address in the Email
- To edit roles, go to User Roles, then:
- Select Viewer or Creator to give that role to the user
- Deselect either of these roles to remove it from the user.
- To edit transactions and limits, go to Transactions and limits. You can:
- Click the dropdown arrow to add a transaction type
- Click the x next to a transaction type to remove it
- Change the limit per payment and total daily limit.
- When you're done making changes, click Save.
Edit user permissions
- Go to Manage, then click Users.
- Search for the user whose permissions you want to change, then click Edit.
- Click Account permissions
- Tick the boxes next to the accounts you want to give the user permissions for.
- Click Edit permissions.
- Choose the permissions you want the user to have for each account, then click Save.
- Click Save again.
Create new user (viewer or creator)
You create a new user by adding a user or copying an existing user.
- If you add a user, you’ll need to fill in all their details.
- If you copy an existing user with viewer or creator roles, the new user will have the same roles, transaction types, limits, and permissions. You will be able to change any of these.
- If you copy an existing approver or admin, you’ll need to fill in all the new user's details, including user roles and permissions. Approver and admin roles can only be assigned by filling out a Westpac One Business Change Request Form .
- Go to Manage, then click Users.
- Ether:
- Click Add user
- Find the user you want to copy, then click Copy user.
- Fill in the user details and roles.
- If the user has the creator role, set their transaction types and limits.
- Click Save.
- For single-admin orgs, click Save to create the new user and see their username and temporary password.
- For dual-admin orgs, an approval request is sent to the second administrator. When the approve the new user, they will see username and temporary password. It is the second administrator who must send these details to the new user.
Important: You must copy the username and temporary password before you leave the page where it is displayed. They won’t be shown again if you close the window or move to a different page.
Edit account permissions
- Go to the user’s Account permissions page and tick the boxes next to the accounts you want to give the user permissions for.
- Click Edit permissions.
- Choose the permissions you want the user to have for each account.
- Click Save.
- For dual-admin orgs, an approval request is sent to the second administrator.
Create a new user (administrator or approver)
Please complete a Westpac One Business Change Request Form to create a new administrator or approver.
We’ll need to verify ID for any new administrator or approver we create for this. The customer can:
- Bring their acceptable form of ID to any Westpac branch
- Have their ID certified by a trusted referee.
Reset another user’s password
- Go to Manage, then click Users.
- Search for the user whose password you want to reset, then click Reset password.
- Click Yes, reset to create a temporary password for the user.
- For single-admin orgs, the temporary password is displayed and can be shared with the user.
- For dual-admin orgs, an approval request will be visible to the second administrator. They temporary password appears for the second admin, and they will need to share it with the user.
Note: For security reasons, if you send the user the username as well as the temporary password, use one communication method to send the password, and another to send the username.
Users can also call us on 0800 00 99 11 or +64 9 374 8226 from overseas (charges may apply) between 8.30am and 5.30pm weekdays and we can help them change their password.
Change account names
You can change your display name, account holder name, or trading name (if you’ve given this to us).
To change a display name:
- Click Manage, then Accounts.
- Search or find for the account you want to change.
- Click the display name you want to change.
- Enter the new display name.
- Repeat this for each display name you want to change.
- Click Save changes.
To change your account holder name, add or change a trading name, complete a Making Changes to Accounts for Organisations form.
Need additional help?
We're currently working on additional self-service administration features for Westpac One Business. In the meantime, get in touch if you need to do something that doesn't have a self-service option.
Email us at westpaconebusinesshelpdesk@westpac.co.nz or call us on 0800 00 99 11 or +64 9 374 8226 from overseas (charges may apply) between 8.30am and 5.30pm weekdays.
Follow these steps to view your accounts, share account details, or search for transactions.
View accounts and transactions
- Click Accounts.
- (Optional) Click Client funds to only show your client fund accounts.
- Click the row of an account to open the account details page. From there you can search and filter transactions and create transaction reports.
Share your account details
Accounts have an account holder name, display name, short name and a trading name (if you’ve given this to us).
- The account holder name is the legal name of the account holder(s).
- The display name is what everyone in your company sees on the account list when logged into your account.
- The trading name is an optional name that your customers may know you by.
- The short name is the name that people will see on their statements when you pay them.
To share your account details:
- Click Accounts
- Click an account name, then click Account details
- Click Copy account details to copy your account holder name and account number
- Paste the copied details into an email or message to share them.
Note: If you want to share your trading name, you’ll need to manually replace the account holder name with your trading name in the email or message. The trading name must appear exactly as it's shown on the Account details screen.
Search and filter transactions
- On the account details page click Transactions.
- Click the calendar icon and select or enter a date range. The page will refresh to show transactions made during those dates. If you don’t select a date the default setting is for the past 7 days.
- To refine your search results, click Filters and select an option:
- Transaction type - Select Credit, Debit, or All to display transactions of that type. You must select either Credit or Debit if you want to filter by amount range.
- Amount or range - Enter a single amount, or a range of amounts to display transactions that match those values.
- Keyword - Search by other party name, particulars, code, or reference.
- Click:
- Apply filters to search for transactions with the filter criteria
- Clear filters to remove the filter criteria.
- When you click Apply filters the screen will refresh to show all transactions in the selected date range that match the filter criteria.
- Click:
- Create report to create a transaction report containing the data you selected
- Clear filters to start a new search by selecting a new date range and filter criteria.
You can create and download transaction reports, and create transaction receipts ( for same day cleared payments).
Create transaction reports
- Go to the account you want to create a report for.
- Search and filter the transactions you want to include in the report. The default setting includes all transactions from the past 7 days.
- Click Create report.
- Select the format of the report. Options include:
- Statement transactions PDF
- Statement transactions ddmmyy
- Statement transactions ddmmyyyy
- Statement transactions CSV
- Statement transactions QIF
- Westpac Account statement ddmmyy
- Westpac Account statement ddmmyyyy
- Other Party Details PDF
- Other Party Details CSV.
Note: The report will only include transactions up until the time the report was created. To include all transactions from a specific day, run the report on the following day.
- Click Create report again.
- A confirmation message will appear when the report starts generating. Click the X in the message to close it.
- To view and download the report, click Transaction reports on the left-hand menu. Find the report in the list that you want to export, then click the Download arrow on its row.
- Make sure to download the report within 24 hours of its creation. After 24 hours it will disappear from the list, and you'll need to create the report again.
Create a receipt for a same day cleared payment
You can generate a receipt for same day cleared payments to send to payees as proof of payment.
- 1. Under Payments and transfers, click Manage payments and transfers.
- 2. Click Processed and scroll through the list to find the same day cleared payment you want to create a receipt for.
- 3. Click View to open the payment details screen, then click
- 4. On the Payment details screen, click Receipt.
This creates a receipt that you can print or download to your computer that shows the:
- Payment type
- Date and time the report was generated
- Payment details, including sender and receiver information
- Payment amount (prominently displayed to highlight the completion status), timestamp, and amount.
From the Payments and transfers menu you can:
- Make domestic payments to a single payee
- Make same day cleared payments
- Make tax payments
- Transfer money between your accounts
- Create and edit payment templates
- Pay multiple people at once by creating a new payment
- Pay multiple people at once using payment templates.
The Payment and transfers menu options, accounts you can access, and actions you can take on individual payments depend on your user role.
Make domestic payments to a single payee
- Click the arrow next to Payments and transfers, then click Pay.
- Select the account you wish to make the payment from.
- Select or add a payee.
- To pay an existing payee, search or select a payee from the list.
- To pay a new payee, click New payee, then fill in their Nameand Account number.
- (Optional) Tick Save to payees if you want to add them to your payee list.
- (Optional) Fill in the From account details and To account details.
- Click:
- Cancel to cancel the payment
- Save draft to save the payment as a draft to finish later
- Next to review and confirm the payment.
- Review and confirm your payment. Click Back if you need to make corrections.
- Approve the payment or submit it for approval (dual-admin orgs).
Make same day cleared payments
- Click the arrow next to Payments and transfers, then click Same day cleared payment.
- Select the account you wish to make the payment from.
- To pay an existing payee search or select a payee from the list.
- To pay a new payee, click New payee, then fill in their Name and Account number.
- (Optional)Tick Save to payees if you want to add them to your payee list.
- Enter the payment Amount and Date.
- (Optional) To send a payment notification to the payee, enter their email address and click Send notification email to payee. They’ll receive an email from their bank when the payment is made.
- (Optional) Fill in the From account details and To account details.
- Click:
- Cancel to cancel the payment
- Save draft to save the payment as a draft to finish later
- Next to review and confirm the payment.
- Review and confirm your payment. Click Back if you need to make corrections.
- Approve the payment or submit it for approval. Then:
- If you have permission to approve payments, a 6-digit verification code is sent to your registered mobile phone. Enter the code to authorise the payment, then click Approve.
- If you don’t have permission to approve payments, the payment moves to the Pending tab with the status Other approval required.
- (Optional) When the payment is complete you can print or save a PDF of the payment details, or a receipt to use as proof of payment.
Make tax payments
Pre-registered payee lists aren’t available. You’ll need the IRD to confirm the payee’s preferred account number and reference details to use when setting up a tax payment.
- Click the arrow next to Payments and transfers, then click Pay.
- Select the account you wish to make the payment from.
- To pay an existing payee, search or select a payee from the list.
- To pay a new payee, click New payee then fill in their Name and Account number. Tick Save to payees if you want to add a new payee to your payee list.
- (Optional) Fill in the From account details and To account details.
- Click:
- Cancel to cancel the payment
- Save draft to save the payment as a draft to finish later
- Next to review and confirm the payment.
- Review and confirm your payment. Click Back to make corrections.
- Approve the payment, or submit it for approval.
Transfer funds between your accounts
- Click the arrow next to Payments and transfers, then click Transfer money.
- Select the account to transfer from.
- Select the account to transfer to.
- Type in the amount and select the transfer date.
- (Optional) Fill in the From account details and To account details.
- Click:
- Next to review and confirm the transfer
- Cancel to delete the transfer
- Save draft to finish the transfer later.
- Review and confirm the transfer. Click Back to make corrections.
- Approve the transfer or submit it for approval.
Pay multiple payees at once by creating a new payment
Follow these steps to create a one-off payment to multiple payees. You can save the payment as a template to use later.
- Click the arrow next to Payments and transfers, then click Pay multiple.
- Select the From account and payment Date.
- Fill in the payment details.
- (Optional) Tick Appear on statement as multiple single payments if you want each payment to show up on an individual line on your statement.
- Click Next.
- Type an existing payee's name, account number, or company name in the To field. Tick the box next to their name to add them to the payment.
- Repeat this until you have added all your payees.
- (Optional) Enter payment details for each payee. You can add:
- Particulars, code, or a reference
- A payment amount.
- (Optional) Click the plus symbol to add another transaction for the payee.
- Click Next.
- Review and confirm the payment.
- (Optional) To save the payment details as a template:
- Tick Save as template for future use
- Give the template a name
- Tick Include amounts in template to save the payment amounts for each payee.
- Once the payment is submitted the template will appear under Payment templates for future use.
- Create the payment. The wording on the button you click to create the payment depends on if your organisation has approval workflow enabled, and your role.
- If approval is needed and you can approve payments, click Approve.
- If approval is needed and you can’t approve payments yourself, click Send for approval.
- If approval is NOT needed and you can approve payments, click Approve and pay.
- If approval is NOT needed and you can’t approve payments, click Pay.
- The payment will continue through the standard approval process.
Pay multiple payees using an existing payment template
Note: You need access to payment templates to create a payment from a template.
- Click the arrow next to Payments and transfers, then click Payment templates.
- Find the template you want to use to create your payment, then click Create payment.
- Review the template and edit the details. You can:
- Change the From account
- Select a payment Date
- Edit the Particulars, Code, or Transaction note
- Tick or untick Appear on statement as multiple single payments.
- Click Next.
- Review the payment. You can:
- Edit the Particulars, Code, or Reference
- Change the payment Amount
- Click the trash can icon to delete the payee.
- (Optional) If you edited the payment details and want to save the changes, tick Save changes in template.
- Create the payment. The wording on the button you click to create the payment depends on if your organisation has approval workflow enabled, and your role.
- If approval is needed and you can approve payments, click Approve.
- If approval is needed and you can’t approve payments yourself, click Send for approval.
- If approval is NOT needed and you can approve payments, click Approve and pay.
- If approval is NOT needed and you can’t approve payments, click Pay.
- The payment continue through the standard approval process.
From the Payments and transfers menu you can view, edit, or delete payments and transfers.
The Payment and transfers menu options, accounts you can access, and actions you can take on individual payments depend on your user role.
View payments
- Click the arrow next to Payments and transfers, then select Manage payments and transfers.
- Click the tab with the status of the payment you want to view:
- Your approval. Payments that need your approval
- Pending. Payments that are scheduled, processing, or waiting for approval by someone else
- Drafts. Partially completed payments that haven’t been sent for approval yet
- Processed. Completed payments.
- Find the payment in the list. The default is the last 25 payments made. To load more payments, click Show more at the bottom of the page.
- Click View to display the payment details. From here you can:
- Review the payment details
- Click Download to download the payment details (all payments)
- Click Receipt to download a receipt (processed same day cleared payments only).
Edit payments
You can edit a draft payment, a payment that’s waiting for approval by you or someone else, or an approved payment that’s scheduled but hasn’t been processed.
If you edit a payment that’s already been approved, it will cancel the existing approval and restart the approval process.
- Find the payment you want to edit on the Your approval, Pending, or Drafts.
- Click Edit and make your changes to the payment.
- Click Next to review your changes, then click Continue to submit the payment. Then:
- If you can approve payments and only one authoriser is needed, the payment is submitted then moves to the Processed tab once the payment is complete.
- If you can approve payments and two authorisers are needed, the payment moves to the Pending tab with the status Other approval required.
- If you can’t approve payments, the payment moves to the Pending tab with the status Other approval required.
Delete payments
You can delete a draft payment, a payment that’s waiting for approval by you or someone else, or an approved payment that’s scheduled but hasn’t been processed.
If you delete a scheduled payment, the funds won’t be sent to the payee or transferred to another account.
- Find the payment you want to delete on the Your approval, Pending, or Drafts
- Click Delete, then click:
- Yes, delete to delete the payment
- No, go back to return to the payment list.
Once a payment has been deleted it cannot be reinstated. You’ll need to create a new payment.
Create a new payment template
Follow these steps to create a payment template without making a payment. You can create single or multiple payments for each payee, and can have up to 50 transactions per template.
- Click the arrow next to Payments and transfers, then click Payment templates.
- Click Create new template.
- Fill in the template details.
- Add a Template name.
- Select the From account.
- Add Particulars, Code, or a Transaction note.
- Tick or untick Appear on statement as multiple single payments.
- Click Next.
- Add at least one payee.
- (Optional) Enter payment details for each payee. You can add:
- Particulars, Code, or a Reference
- A payment Amount.
- (Optional) Click the plus symbol to add another transaction for the payee.
- Click Next, then click Create template.
- The template will appear on your list of Payment templates for future use.
Edit an existing template
- Click the arrow next to Payments and transfers, then click Payment templates.
- Find the template you want to edit, then click Edit.
- Edit the template. You can make the following changes:
- Edit the Template name
- Change the From account
- Edit the Particulars, Code, or Transaction note
- Tick or untick Appear on statement as multiple single payments.
- Click Next.
- (Optional) Edit the payment details. You can:
- Edit the Particulars, Code, or Reference
- Change the payment Amount
- Click the trash can icon to delete the payee.
- When you’ve finished editing your template, click Save template.
Approve a single payment
- Click the arrow next to Payments and transfers, then click Manage payments and transfers.
- Click Your approval to see a list of transactions waiting for your authorisation.
- Click View to review the details of a payment.
- Click Back to payments to view the payment in the payment list.
- If the payment isn’t correct, click:
- Delete to delete the payment
- Edit to keep the payment and change the details.
- If the payment is correct, click Approve, then Yes, approve.
Note: All same day cleared payments and other payments over a certain amount may require you to enter a one-time security code. This will be sent to the authoriser’s registered mobile phone when they click Yes, Approve. Enter the code when prompted to complete the payment. - The next step depends on how many authorisations are needed:
- If the payment needs one authorisation only, it will be submitted and show on the Processed tab once the payment is complete.
- If the payment needs a second authorisation, it will move to the Pending tab with a status of Other approval needed. Once approved, the status will change to Scheduled and it will be processed on the selected date.
Approve multiple payments
You can approve up to 10 payments at once.
- Click the arrow next to Payments and transfers, then click Manage payments and transfers.
- Select the payments you want to approve.
- Click Approve all.
- Click:
- Confirm to approve the payments
- Cancel to return to the Your approval tab without approving the payments.
- The payments will follow the same approval process as approving a single payment.
Users with permissions to manage payees can create new payees, and view, edit, or delete existing payees. You can't edit or delete a payee with payments in progress.
View payees
- From the main menu, click Payees.
- Look, or search for the payee, then click View.
This will open the payee details screen, where you can view and edit the payee details, or delete the payee.
Add a new payee
When you add a new payee, you can enter optional details such as their email address, particulars, code, or reference fields. You can also create a nickname for your payee to make it easier to find them in future.
- From the main menu, click Payees.
- Click Add a new payee.
- Enter the payee details, then click Next.
- Review and confirm the details are correct, then click Add payee.
You can also add a new payee when you create a payment, or a same day cleared payment.
Edit payee
- From the main menu, click Payees.
- Look, or search for the payee you want to edit, then click View.
- Click Edit.
- Make your changes, then click Save.
Delete a payee
- From the main menu, click Payees.
- Look, or search for the payee you want to delete, then click View.
- Click Delete.
- Confirm you want to delete the payee.
Search Multiple Deposit Scheme (MDS) clients
Search your Multiple Deposit Scheme (MDS) client accounts for specific clients or Deposit Sequence numbers (DNS) using the MDS client name, DSN number, or reference.
- Click Accounts.
- Click an account name, then enter the client or deposit details in the search box.
- Click Search.
Create a new Multi Deposit Scheme (MDS) client
Add a new Multi Deposit Scheme client so you can create Deposit Sequence Numbers (DSNs) and transfers for them.
- Click Accounts.
- Click the name of the MDS account you want to create a new MDS client for.
- Click Add client.
- Fill in the client details.
- (Optional) Set an administration fee or select Exempt if not required.
Note: You can only do this if you haven’t set an administration fee for the account. - Click Next.
- Review the details, then click Save client.
- You’ll see a message confirming you’ve successfully created the client.
Guidelines for creating a new MDS client
- A New Zealand IRD number is optional when you choose a country of residence other than New Zealand.
- The Administration fee is the fee you charge your client, not a fee Westpac charges you.
- If an administration fee is set for the MDS account, all clients in the account are charged that rate, even if you select a different rate when creating a new MDS client. For help changing administration fees at the account or client level please contact the MDS Team.
- The only New Zealand tax type that doesn’t require an NZ IRD number is N – RWT Non-Declared.
- If the withholding tax status is Exempt, select either permanent or temporary for the exemption type.
- Client tax details in Westpac One Business do not currently replace the existing MDS Foreign Tax process. Read more about Foreign Tax.
You can't select today's date when creating a report. If you want a report for today's transactions, run the report tomorrow.
- Click Accounts, then Client funds.
- Click the row of an account you want to create an MDS report for.
- Click Reports.
- Select a report type:
- Client holdings
- Client interest payments
- Deposit number statement
- Daily deposit
- Withdrawals and matured deposits.
- Select either a date or a date range, depending on the report type:
- Select a date for client holdings and daily deposits reports.
- Select a date range for client interest payments, withdrawals and matured deposits, and deposit number statement reports.
- Choose either PDF or CSV format.
- Click Download report.
Create MDS reports for a single Multiple Deposit Scheme (MDS) client
- Click Accounts.
- Click an account name to view its client list.
- Scroll through the list or search for a customer, then click View Client on the row of the MDS client you want to run a report for.
- Click Download report.
- Select a report type:
- Client holdings
- Client interest payments
- Deposit number statement
- Daily deposit
- Withdrawals and matured deposits.
- Select either a date or a date range, depending on the report type:
- Select a date for client holdings and daily deposits reports.
- Select a date range for client interest payments, withdrawals and matured deposits, and deposit number statement reports.
- Choose either PDF or CSV format.
- Click Download report.
View and edit client funds, including Multi Deposit Scheme (MDS) clients.
View client funds
- Click Accounts.
- (Optional) Click Client funds to only show your client fund accounts.
- Click an account name to view the details of that client fund.
Edit client funds
You can edit a client’s name, reference, address, country of residence, withholding tax status, IRD number, and administration fee.
- Click Accounts.
- Click an account name, then click View Client on the row of the client whose details you want to change.
- Click Edit, then make your changes.
- Click Save. You’ll get a notification that the client details have been saved.
You can download client fund reports for all their client activity, or the activity of just one of their client funds.
Download a report of all client activity
- Click Accounts.
- Click the account you want to download a report for.
- Click Reports.
- Select a report type:
- Client holdings
- Client interest payments
- Deposit number statement
- Daily deposits
- Withdrawals and matured deposits.
- Select a date range and either PDF or CSV format.
- Click Download report.
Download a report of the activity of a single client fund
- Click Accounts.
- Click an account name, then click View Client on the row of the client you want to download a report for.
- Click Download
- Select a report type:
- Client holdings
- Client interest payments
- Deposit number statement
- Daily deposits
- Withdrawals and matured deposits.
- Select a date range and either PDF or CSV format.
- Click Download report.
You can reset your Westpac One Business password by clicking the “Forgot password” link on our login page and following the on-screen prompts.
Alternatively, your administrator can reset this for you, or you can call us on 0800 00 99 11 or +64 9 374 8226 from overseas (charges may apply) between 8.30am and 5.30pm weekdays.
Your administrator can tell you what this is, or you can call us on 0800 00 99 11 or +64 9 374 8226 from overseas (charges may apply) between 8.30am and 5.30pm weekdays.
Yes, you can access Westpac One Business anytime 24/7 from your mobile, desktop, or tablet. To get the best experience with the latest security updates, Westpac One Business is designed to work with the latest versions of the following browsers:
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft® Edge
- Mozilla Firefox
- Apple Safari.
Westpac One Business may still work with many unsupported browsers, however they aren’t fully tested, so some features may not display as expected. For the best and most secure experience, we recommend using the latest version of the supported browsers.
If you don’t have the latest version, download it for free below:
Format |
File name |
Other Party Details CSV |
OPRddmmyy.csv Example: OPR100523.csv |
Other Party Details PDF |
OPRddmmyy.pdf Example: OPR100523.pdf |
Statement transactions CSV |
TRNddmmyy.csv Example: TRN100523.csv |
Statement transactions ddmmyy |
TRNddmmyyHHMMSS.txt Example: TRN100523115500.txt |
Statement transactions ddmmyyyy |
TRNddmmyyyyHHMMSS.txt Example: TRN10052023115500.txt |
Statement transactions PDF |
TRNddmmyy.pdf Example: TRN100523.pdf |
Statement transactions QIF |
A03_0049_0xxxxxxx_xx-ddmmyy.qif |
Westpac Account statement ddmmyy |
AcctStmtExpddmmyy.csv Example: AcctStmtExp100523.csv |
Westpac Account statement ddmmyyyy |
AcctStmtExpddmmyyyy.csv Example: AcctStmtExp10052023.csv |
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