What's included:


A fee-free transaction account

An Easy Access account with no annual fees or electronic transaction fees¹.

A fee-free debit card

Choose either a Debit Mastercard® or Airpoints™ Debit Mastercard² and you won't pay annual fees.

A fee-free savings account

With a Westpac Bonus Saver account, you'll get immediate access to your money, earn bonus interest and pay no monthly account maintenance fees¹. Note: You can set this up later in Westpac One® online banking.

Smart banking features.

Westpac One® online banking

Manage your accounts and cards on the go with Westpac One on your mobile, tablet or computer.

Discover Westpac One

Pay with your mobile

Whether you're paying with your phone or smart watch, we've got a solution for you.

Ways to pay

Track your spending

CashNav® is our free money management app that tracks and categorises your spending, along with a range of additional features.

Discover CashNav

Set up alerts and relax

Stay on top of what's happening with your money by setting up alerts on any Westpac account.

Set up alerts

Split your income

Automatically move your regular income into multiple accounts with Salary Splitter.

Set up Salary splitter

Block your card

Temporarily block and unblock your card if it's been misplaced using Westpac One online banking.

Block in Westpac One


Fee typeFee amountFrequency
Monthly account maintenance FeeFree
Electronic transactions

EFTPOS, ATM transfers/withdrawals, automatic payments, direct debit, direct credit, bill payments, online and phone banking payments.

Manual transactions

Westpac ATM deposits, and deposits and withdrawals at a branch.

Debit Mastercard & Airpoints Debit Mastercard annual account feeWaived

for life of Tertiary Account

(normally $10 for Debit Mastercard or $15 for Airpoints™ Debit MasterCard®)

Overdraft establishment feeFree
Overdraft debit interestInterest free to agreed limit
Unarranged overdraft$9Per month
Phone bankingFree
Email alertsFree
Text alerts that you receiveFree

Fees are subject to change. Service fees may still apply. For example for unarranged overdraft fees, if you become overdrawn without an arranged limit, the interest rate charged on the overdrawn amount is 19.95% p.a. (calculated on a daily basis). This includes a base interest rate of 13.95% p.a., plus a margin interest rate of 6% p.a.. Westpac may change the base rate, replace it with a new base rate or change the margin from time to time. An unarranged overdraft fee of $9 per month will also be charged (see above).


How to apply.

Select an option and let’s begin.

Westpac customer

I am a Westpac customer

Westpac new customer

I am new to Westpac

Things you should know.

1 Service fees still apply, for example clearance fees. Refer to the Transaction and Service Fees brochure for details (also available free of charge from any Westpac branch).

2 You must be a member of Air New Zealand’s Airpoints™ programme to be eligible to earn Airpoints Dollars™. Airpoints terms and conditions apply. 

3 Lending criteria, terms and conditions apply. To apply for a Westpac overdraft, you must be over 18 years of age. If you are under 18, a parent or guardian will need to be a co-borrower.

Airpoints™ and Airpoints Dollars™ are registered trademarks of Air New Zealand Limited.

Mastercard®  is a registered trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.