
  • Fee-free¹ Everyday account and choice of savings accounts for kids and teens under 19 years.
  • Parents and guardians have control until they want to hand over responsibility.
  • Flexible options to transition responsibility from parent to child as they get older.
  • Kids learn to save and manage money the right way.

Accounts that grow with them.

Youth Accounts are for children and teenagers up to 19 years of age. Youth Accounts will begin to incur fees upon turning 19. Children aged 0 - 12 years will have an 'Agent Transacts For' account managed by a parent or guardian.

Account options.

Our fee-free1 Youth account allows you to open an Everyday transaction account and choose from one of three savings accounts:

Simple Saver

Get the same interest rate, whatever your balance.

Interest rate on all balances
  • No monthly account maintenance fees.
  • No minimum balance required.
  • Earn the same set interest rate on every dollar you save.
  • First manual or electronic withdrawal each month is free.

Westpac Bonus Saver

Be rewarded with bonus interest by increasing your balance by $20 each month².

Potential rate of return
  • Earn bonus interest, on top of the base rate².
  • Interest paid monthly or compounded.
  • Immediate access to your money.
  • Payments can be made directly out of the Westpac Bonus Saver account. No minimum balance required.

Notice Saver

Focus on saving towards a particular goal, with 32 days' notice required before you can make a withdrawal.

Return rate on all balances
  • No monthly account or transaction fees.
  • Returns paid monthly or compounded.
  • Add to your savings whenever you like.

How to apply.

Choose your account and let’s begin.

Two kids laughing on a sofa.

Under 12s

Children crafting with paint in living room

12-15 years olds

Young friends hanging out with skateboard

16 - 18 year olds


Learn more about our accounts.

Things you should know.

1 Service fees still apply, for example replacement card fees. Refer to the Transaction and Service fees brochure for details (also available free of charge from any Westpac branch).

2 Monthly bonus interest is available for Westpac Bonus Saver as long as on the last business day of the month the balance is $20 greater than on the last business day of the month prior. The $20 excludes interest earned on the account and/or Westpac fees charged to the account.

Interest rates and fees are subject to change without notice. 

Terms, conditions, fees and charges apply to Westpac products and services. See Westpac's General Terms and Conditions for details.