How we can help.

  • Set up your account up to 180 days before you migrate in some circumstances.
  • Have money waiting for you in your NZ account when you arrive.
  • Start building your savings and credit history immediately.
  • Once activated, access your account at any time with Westpac One® online banking.

Why join Westpac?


Bank your way

Whether you prefer to visit us in branch, bank using your mobile when you're on the move, or simply sort your finances online while sitting at home; there's plenty of ways to bank with us.
Ways to bank

Pay with your mobile

Use your smartphone for secure, fast and easy contactless payments with Apple Pay or Google Payᵀᴹ¹.
Find out how

24/7 fraud protection

CardGuard® protects your cards and mobile payments, which means you can enjoy round-the-clock protection from fraudulent activity and unauthorised transactions at no extra cost.
How CardGuard protects you

New Zealand's first carbonzero certified bank

We've actively reduced our emissions in line with the Paris agreement, and offset the remainder by purchasing forestry carbon credits, to support the regeneration of native bush across New Zealand.

Our commitments to New Zealand

We're proud sponsors and supporters of a range of important Kiwi institutions including the Rescue Helicopter Service, the Sir Peter Blake Trust plus many more.
Learn more

How to apply.

Get set up with a Westpac account.

Westpac new customer

I want a New Zealand bank account

International student studying on laptop

Things you should know.

1 Apple Pay and Google Pay are available to all eligible Westpac debit and credit Mastercard customers. Customers also need a compatible Apple or Android device.

2 Provided you notify us as soon as possible, have not acted fraudulently or negligently, and have complied with the card’s Conditions of Use.

3 Service fees still apply, for example online bill payments. Find out more about our  Transaction and Service Fees brochure. 

Apple and Apple Pay are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Google Pay is a trademark of Google LLC.

Mastercard®  is a registered trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.